Landing Abandoned!!

What a day.  We arrived at Christchurch airport about 7.15am for a return flight to Wanaka at 9 am.  Wanaka was under one of its famous inversion layers of cloud so the flight was delayed and finally cancelled some time after midday.  We were put on the next flight at 3.25pm. Touch and go if it would take off with the final decision being made by the pilot when he got in from elsewhere. After consultation with Wanaka airport it was decided there was a window of opportunity if we left bang on time.  Two passengers were a few minutes late in getting to the aircraft.  We took off hopefully only to have our hopes dashed when we got close to Wanaka and saw the low cloud.  The pilot got down to 2,000’ and could see nothing so he rose rapidly and here we are back in Christchurch.  Booked on a flight tomorrow at 1.55pm but the forecast is very similar to today’s. We’ll see.  It did make for a spectacular return trip.  The main blip is after the abandoned landing and the extra is the setting sun over the alps on the way back.

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