
I had had a good day, but I forgot to post.  This is from yesterday.  I had never been and stopped at Carnforth before so that was my destination.  A reasonably early start and journey through the Lakes and along the A6.  A beautiful journey and not to busy at that time.  It was the clock and the position in Carnforth station I wanted to photograph (and be a bit arty) and call my photo 'A brief moment in time.'  This station and clock appeared in David Lean's film, Brief Encounter.  However, that was not to be.  As I found out that clock had gone for repair some time ago and nobody knows when it will return.  A guide told me, 'It's complicated.'  Read into that what you will adding people still come expecting their photo taken under that clock.  This is one of the two photos I took of pictures of the clock, both from pictures in the 'The Heritage Centre.'   The Centre was free and the building was sectioned off into rooms of the time.  Lunch of home cooked ham sandwich was good as was the ice cream later!
I smiled at the extra.  Everywhere you look there are reminders of 'Brief Encounter,' and here is a chalk board next to it.
Never mind the day was good and I saw different views so I was pleased.

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