Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Cooking Experiments

Mr. Badger is out with some friends, so I have been taking this weekly opportunity to try cooking something new. A couple of weeks ago I bought a butternut squash and it has been staring at me from the pantry ever since. I've actually never made anything with butternut squash before, I just really love it and figured I should try my hand at it. So tonight I made a butternut squash pasta sauce and it was soooo delicious! Almost like macaroni and cheese, only squash flavors in there too. Om nom nom. I wonder if Mr. Badger will even try it ... I did add way too much garlic since I was pretty much out of onions (I had 1 tiny pearl onion left ...) but other than that, I am very pleased with how it came out.

I was supposed to get some shots of the dogs having a bath tonight, but cooking ended up taking so much time that I didn't get around to giving them a bath. This week's theme is 'water' so hooray! The dogs get a bath after nearly a year without one ... they are going to be so happy *mua ha ha haaaa!*

Huge thunderstorm is coming through right now, should take away the sticky humidity. The thunder is really booming though =\

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