
A special treat for Rob! We don’t usually have a quiche, I think because I make so many for the market and get a bit tired of it.
Today I had some spare pastry after making my flan cases and so I thought we could have one for tea. It came out really good, I think the home grown eggs make a real difference.
I had a bit of a shock today though, I noticed that the Lime trees are starting to come into flower. This is a shock because every year without fail they flower on the 7th July, and I get the beehives ready for the honey crop. So they are a whole month early!! What’s going on?? And bad news because we are about to take our holiday and the hen minders will not be up for beekeeping I don’t suppose!
All I can do is give them as much space in the hives as possible, but they are making honey so fast this year that I don’t think it will be enough if this weather continues. Nothing I can do though….just have to see what happens.

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