Afternoon excursion

Went out at lunchtime. Thought we’d go to Christchurch, but the new Hengistbury Head bus came first, so change of plan. Got off at the end stop. Would’ve walked to Mudeford Spit, but the Land Train happened to be there. So took the lazy option.

Walked round Mudeford Spit (the £½ Million Beach Huts). Started to get too warm, so went to the ferry only to find they didn’t accept cash (I never carry any now). But sign said “if you spend £5 at the Beach House Café they will ‘give’ you cash.

Finally, two lovely Aspalls, and two packets of crisps later, we ended up taking the smaller boat, which happened to arrive, to Christchurch. Pretty 30 mins or so trip along the estuary.

Had coffee at a new place (Neapolitan owned). Found Tamari sauce at the Waitrose, then bus home. We went up to ‘P’ after dinner for a drink. Now off to put my feet up and watch Corrie catch up.

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