Sheep on Holiday

The day started with more digging.  I noticed a couple, seventies, at the end of the HQ track.  I went and spoke to them and they indicated they were looking at Scapa Flow.  (I noticed they were looking through the wrong end of their binoculars).  I asked them into the HQ policies and guided them down to the coast.  The man took some time in the garden and explained at great length all the different bee varieties he could see.  I went back to the digging and bailing water from the trench.  I rodded all the drains  etc.
We had a lunchtime visit from friends from Stranraer.  It’s an annual event.  CMC made a superb quiche and an off the scale cake.  Outside, Richard gently opened the boot of the car.  I nearly passed out – he gave me a bottle of Glendronach Cask Strength.  I then realised it wasn’t a gift – he just wanted me to see it !!!!!!!!!!!!  I went back to digging having whittled away at my options.  After yet more digging (Hello Brisbane) I found our incoming main is leaking, at a t joint.  I went to our water toby (about 40 metres from the house) and isolated the supply.
We were allowed a glimpse of government supplied sunshine today. 

Tomorrow’s agenda is more digging.

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