It’s was cold, overcast and windy today when Tony drove me to the sports centre for an assessment for pulmonary rehabilitation classes. The course combines physical exercises sessions with discussion and advice on lung health. I was in there for an hour today it was all about filling in forms and just a small amount of exercise. I go twice a week Tuesdays and Fridays for 12 weeks then they will asses me at the end.
We had to take our motor-home in the garage because there’s a problem with the clutch, when we drove past it was on the ramp. So we’re waiting for them to phone us with a price to see if we want them to do the work. I went with my friend this afternoon to M&S, my friend seems to spend one day buying clothes and the next taking them back and changing them. But I don’t mind it gets me out of the house for a few hours and we have a chat and a coffee.
Today’s blip is a woodpecker for a change. Thank you for looking in at my journal and I hope you’ve had a good Tuesday folks.

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