The wedding …
It went really well , apart from my one and only job doing the music in the ceremony… I WISH so hard I could have a film of it … absolute car crash . Honest to god it was a comedy sketch, so bizarre. Look I’ll just put it this way , it wasn’t in order, some didn’t get played at all and everyone was laughing and even the registrar couldn’t keep a straight face and ended up joining in. IT WAS VERY STRESSFUL !!! .
Lisa did break down during the vows , that was absolutely heartbreaking.
Ian is very self conscious of his scar so lots of photos are at a distance.
Marty Feldman made it … not in time for the ceremony but she was practically rolled out of a moving car as we were exiting the register office. Emma her daughter had spotted me and shouted GET OUT MOTHER GET OUT.. it’s quite a busy road junction you see , it all adds to the day . Marty didn’t stay long as she gets incredibly tired and is still very very sore from the last ICD unit shoved in her chest .
Anyway I’m so exhausted I can’t add anything else this evening, I may add more to tomorrows blip .
In extras is a couple of photos , Leece as a bride at her first wedding and me & Marty Feldman with her versus us looking very different today .
Maybe we should call Leece Zsa Zsa Gabor …..
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