
By JanetH


The camera club did well with their straight lines - lawn stripes, pavements, railings, bridges, roads, railway tracks, doors, flags, guitar ... and window frame reflections in a glass of wine. Now, I might have to try that one and then, of course, I would just have to drink the wine afterwards!

I have the results from the first homework module - Landscapes. I submitted my photo of the canal. It only received a bronze medal and the comment "composition needs more attention". I was rather disappointed. I think it didn't adequately comply with the rule of thirds, which was the homework brief.

After a long day today I was blipless! I had to go and raid the garden for some inspiration. These bluebells agreed to be sacrificed for the sake of blip! Please try large.

I am rather behind with commenting but will try to catch up over the next few days.

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