
I walked with my sister and her dog at Habberley Valley . A place where as a child, I went for many walks and  picnics. This rock is calked Pecketts Rock and it’s a popular place to climb and scramble . There used to be swingboats here and a little hut selling drinks when I was small. 
Today it’s a Nature Reserve and contains rare lowland Heath habitats. The sandy soil lent itself to sandpits for digging in to the delight of young children. 
Geologically, it’s interesting- I was always told it was the remains of a sea formed by the meltwater from the last ice age but I can’t confirm that when I’ve searched on the internet.
This afternoon, we went for a party at my niece’s MIL where we had a pleasant time in the garden . She has some beautiful plants including an indigo climber. 
I loved watching my three great-nieces playing together . Another game of ‘Pie Face ‘ was popular . 

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