Shadow plus reflection

Saturday 3rd June 2023                      (backblip)

Yay! We still have sunshine ..... unfortunately we still also have that chilly, blustery wind!

It was a lovely walk "up the road" this afternoon ...... had to wear a little jacket but it beats being bundled up in many layers!

We climbed up onto the riverbank to see if there was anything of interest on the river. We do this every time but there is rarely anything there.

Today was different ..... directly opposite was this Heron! It did look across the river at us but decided we weren't a threat so stayed!

Managed to get a few photos of it before some wild water swimmers frightened it away :-)

We also saw this Blue-tailed Damselfly (different markings from the Common Blue from last week) blipped top left. It has a dark blue body & a sky blue tail band.

Bottom left is the female of the Common Blue Damselfly :-)

Hope you like my choices :-)

Stay safe everyone :-)

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