The little ones decided they would like to go back to the park at Les Iles and do the adventure courses in the trees. It’s a 3 hour ticket so there wasn’t time on Thursday. As there was no point in us all returning I had a local walk up through the woods. Yesterday I got the Swisstopo app and loaded a section for offline use. With that and all the signposting of paths surely I couldn’t get lost! I didn’t, but did miss a turning due to lack of concentration so the route I planned wasn’t the one I did.

Mid afternoon Jane and I walked down to the next village, through woodland, past the donkeys’ stable, through an area with chalets then some very old buildings, being guided to the centre by the church spire. Nearer to the station (for the train back up) we noticed the Marconi radio museum. The internet informs me that Marconi achieved his first transmissions in Salvan.

The chefs had a night off as we used all the leftovers from the past few days.

Many thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts. I’m sorry that there is no spare time for replies or journal comments.

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