An abundance

of sweet williams.

They have been in this pot for more than two years and I brought them with me from my old house.  I am wondering whether I can split them, or if it would harm them as they do so well.  They seem very tight in the pot though...  They really brighten up the corner behind the gate which doesn't get any sunshine :)

I have now written up yesterday's blip, I was too shattered to retype it last night...

Most infuriatingly I dropped my phone and shattered some of the screen yesterday morning :(  Any ideas or recommendations of a new phone to get cheaply?  I only use pay as you go - but have lots of apps on it.

Today has been a quiet day.  I woke at 4am in real pain in my joints, which I expect is probably due to the jolting bus journey yesterday morning, so annoying.  I took strong painkillers and went back to bed with my heated wheat sac, and thankfully slept again.  I woke at just past 10am!  Whoops!!  Needless to say I didn't get to church, but I took my time getting up instead...

I've spent some time sitting in the garden until I was too hot and then I've pottered around indoors, not really settling down to anything.  I've done a few crosswords in a book of them.

When it was cooler is evening and whilst I was cooking my roast chicken in the oven, I cut most of the grass patch and tidied up the garden, but I've left a patch in the middle still uncut and I've sprinkled some californian poppy seeds in the patch, I'll see what happens :)

After dinner, I've sat out in the garden in the evening sunshine for the first time this year.  It was so peaceful compared to some nights when the neighbours are out in theirs.   

I watched the sky and heard in the silence the cry of a red kite.  Just a shame I had the wrong lens in the camera and couldn't capture it....

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