
For some reason my riding coach, who is almost six months pregnant with twins, decided she wanted to set up some jumping today No pressure not to knock anything down then (I didn't, phew). 

I finished my allotment jobs after that, mulching and earthing up the spuds, watering everything again, fixing some netting that had blown down and planting out the quinoa. That was followed by an hour thinning out some madly spreading asters and daisies in the garden while Himself extracted the desk (and cable spaghetti) the office ready to swap it out for a new one. I need to take some pictures and then try and dismantle the old one before Freecycling it; noone will be able to get it home if I don't. Needless to say we now have another box of random cables that don't seem to fit anything to add to the box of random ables that don't fit anything already in the loft.

His Gingerness was sensibly staying out of the sun.

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