
Warm and sunny all day, and the bees love the hardy geraniums (wood cranesbill?) in the garden.

Not 'buzzing' quite as much as usual personally (not that I ever do these days...). MrM had a trial run of his new job this morning, as delivery driver for a bakery. With a 5.00am start, it requires a 4.00am wake up and, predictably, his alarm woke me too. Dozed off for a few minutes as he left the house, but found myself wide awake again  at precisely 4.48am. Lay there in the hope of dropping off again, but not even Tony Blackburn and Sounds of the '60s did the trick! MrM sat on the sofa later in the day and promptly fell asleep for an hour - or two - and woke refreshed. As he is prone to do anyway. On the rare occasion I've slept during daytime I've woken feeling groggy and grumpy... besides which it's summer, and the idea of sleeping away the daytime just doesn't appeal. Will just have to learn to go back to sleep at 4.00am...

Anyway, we went supermarket shopping in the afternoon, and MrM watched the FA Cup Final (not a good result for his team!). In the evening a very short walk from Holme Moss. We were intending to walk part way round one of the many reservoirs in the area, but couldn't find the way there after being diverted due to a road closure. One of those annoying diversions with absolutely no indication of which way to go after the initial sign. A real magical mystery tour of a steep hillside later, we gave up...

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