
This book has been finished in three stages today. The first one was a bit after midnight once the dancing had ended and Bailey and I headed back to our room. I think both of us were reliving the day if Bailey's restlessness through night was anything to go by. Up to feed Bailey at six, he was a bit reluctant but ate enough for me to inject him and then we went for a wander in the gardens before settling back for a bit and a little more reading. Up properly for a very nice breakfast (although Bailey was denied a sausage) at about half eight, then back to the room to shift things with the help of the bestest friend,  and then goodbyes including to the now-weds who had had a very well-deserved perfect day. It made for an emotional morning. 

Back up the A1 in the sunshine and with less roundabout holdups than yesterday. I finally got chance to sit on my new birthday bench and finished my book - which was also emotional. It is deserving of the good reviews it has received with more varied characters than most stories and interesting shifts in the structure. I think it will make the 2023 top five. 

And Bailey has mostly slept, sleeping off being surrounded by his favourite people this week. Next week is going to be a come down - but we are not quite there yet. 

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