Well It Had To Happen

After a holiday week of pretty much complete grey skies and a biting wind, today dawned bright and sunny. This was the view from the caravan just after 5 a.m. only photo I managed all day! More or less blue sky and sunshine all day..and temperatures about 8C higher than recent days! Bloomin’ typical.

Anyway we were up and out of the site by 10, managing to squeeze everything back in the car. We popped into Hunstanton to visit the nice little cafe we called at earlier in the week. Assorted snacks (cakes, bacon and egg wraps) and coffee were consumed.

We dropped daughter and granddaughters off at Doncaster on the way home, and then we stopped at a supermarket to get a few bits for tea tonight and tomorrow.

I need to reconfigure my car tomorrow (fold down the rear seats, put the floor and head restraints back in) as  well as letting the tyres down (now that there will only be the two of us and no loads). I may also need to vacuum to remove the sand we have collected, despite only managing two trips to the beach all week….

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