arachnophobes look away now

I had a wonderful bivvy on top of Bishop Forest Hill last night. The sun was setting as I walked up to the summit, lighting up the beautiful cotton grass. Skylarks were everywhere, and two cuckoos were calling to each other until well after sunset. A nice gentle breeze kept the midges away. There was an almost full moon, so darkness never came, but anyway I pulled my hat over my eyes at just past 10pm.

I was awake again at 5 and at 6 I was ready to walk home (just over 3 miles and downhill all the way). I saw an impressive web stretched low across the path and was admiring it when a moth flew in and git caught up. Before I could dive in and rescue the moth, the spider leapt in and bundled it up in sticky silk. I only had my phone with me but you can  see the hairy details of the orb spider and its 8 eyes :-)

It's another hot day and I was going to do some mowing today but I think I'll put it off until tomorrow or even Monday - the grass isn't growing very fast anyway without any rain. Some gentle gardening and finishing my book, I think...

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