Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Iris in the Garden

This is what happens when I totally let go of any thought or practice of gardening.   In the early days here, , we dragged bags of soil and made some few beds and grew a few things, but those days are gone.   Part of this new elderly chapter.  ……. But isn’t it grand??  Can’t even remember planting them.

Herb appreciated the hand wringing (and support) for his project off the ladder in yesterdays’ extra, and wanted to make sure you knew that was only one ladder,  it was not wasn’t THAT high.  (Unless you fell off the roof to the left) ..He is totally happy doing these chores mostly by himself.  (before he retired, I did them mostly by myself…cleaning decks etc.   I’m not “allowed “ to do anything that requires great balance or heavy work, but I can paint.  So today I painted the table on the front porch and the deck chair.    But we still think..”well, there’s enough paint for ONE more coat.“     !!   

For now, It’s all grand!!

More flowers for flower friday on my other journal…..

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