My Last Selfie Here

Now the hard work begins. We're back from holiday and I have a lot of work to get through, here and at home. At the end of this month, I will be handing back the keys of Art By Camera Studio. I've come to the end of my lease and the end of my official working life.

It was through blipping that The Late Mate and I revived our interest in photography to the extent that we wanted to help other people get more from their cameras. We'd changed to digital photography in 2001, it was clearly the new way to go and in those days, mobile phones were just for making phone calls (if you had reception).

We started selling our work at shows in 2011 to make use of wall space in our joint Jewellery and Furniture marquee.

We held our first Courses in 2011 by using the holiday lodge or the Wood Workshop premises.

We opened the Art By Camera studio in 2014 and have enjoyed running courses, photographing models, and doing product and headshots for firms in a lovely place.  This is what we started from!

When The Mate died over a year ago, I didn't know how long I would keep things running but, I'm tiring now and don't want to embark upon a new lease.  I am creating a small studio in a small summerhouse at home but now it's a matter of deciding what is sensible to keep, and what will have to go and how I'll do that. I need to make space at home for the things I want to keep and that, in itself is a big job. I've had to absorb the things which were kept at The Mate's house and the things we kept in his trailer.

In the meantime, I still have a few portraits and courses to do.

There will be tears, these have been great years!

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