Under the Cloudy Sky

Cold goes on ... +10, some rain, even hail in the allotment earlier today. Also some sun, but hard north wind. Brrr...

Busy. First thing in the morning I  interviewed an assistant applicant and exceptionally gave her some work assignments right away to start. Then I and Mr S went to an apartment presentation. We have tried to have a bigger apartment in the same house for very long, and this was offered for us. Didn't take it.

In the evening to the allotment. We got to outdoor, when it began raining (Extra from our yard). Waiting for a while in the garage with the mopeds, it stopped. In the allotment water was dropping on and off, but just a little and it didn't bother us. The main picture shows a beautiful wild flower Marsh Stitchwort (Stellaria palustris) with a wood horsetail at the edge of the forest by our garden in the allotment.

Planned work was done there. Soon and suddenly after that sky went very dark in the direction of our home. We left immediately, and the rain started strongly about 20 meters before the door of the garage at home.

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