Through a lens darkly

By oojeyboojey


I work in a large, 1970's concrete building. The heating system is controlled by an oil-burning boiler. Several buildings are fed by this one system, and if you want to turn off the heating to one building, apparently you have to turn it off for all of them.

The upshot of this is that because it's nearly June, the powers that be turned off the heating, even though some of the buildings are a lot cooler than the others. My office, for instance, is on a floor where building works have required constant access to the roof. This means the doors are always open and it's very chilly.

In addition to being cold, my office is also noisy. Pneumatic drills, electric saws, hammers and other noisy equipment is being used to refurbish the floor directly above my office. Also, because chunks of concrete have been falling off the outside of the building, there have been tests (poking with sticks) to see which bits need fixing.


So you can see why I opted to work from home today!

Simon recorded some music today with Chris (here pictured) and asked me to take some shots for their cover art. I wouldn't have had the chance to do that had I been at work, shivering and swearing over the noise.

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