Eye To Eye Contact
Today it was time for another light industrial local photographic safari. For some reason I seem to find the industrial estate just up the road from home a great source of blip images.
Today proved to be no exception. I spotted the cab of this piece of plant machinery outside a building currently undergoing refurbishment. When I crouched down and moved my feet around I could see all these different angles and spaces with the two rear view mirrors almost feeling like a pair of eyes staring back at me - mind you that could just be over stimulation due to today's caffeine consumption!
I've always wondered why it's called plant machinery. Apparently it's taken from the latin 'plantere', which originally means to 'fix in place' or to 'drive into the ground'. The term seems to have come up first around 1769, describing the idea that a building is 'planted' in its location.
My extra was taken further along our walk near where they are currently building some armed forces veterans' housing on behalf of the Royal British Legion and is another in my nature will always find a way series - I just loved the pops of yellow and white of the daisies against that dark blue hoarding.
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