
It's been another day of very dull, chilly weather. In Skegness, where I have been today visiting my Dad, you can add windy to the description too.

All is well with my Dad. He has had one brief session with the physios, but they don't seem to be rushing things.

The journey was better than last time though the train from Skegness to Sleaford was still crowded and noisy - nowhere near to the extent of last time though. They have a strange queueing system at Skegness. The platforms are narrow and they don't let you on until the train is in the station. You have to queue in a line marked out into winding lanes with tape. And the queue starts early - you have to stand for at least half an hour to be sure of a seat.

Four cheeky teenage girls who were at at the end of the queue ended up adjacent to the people at the front because of the lane system. They took two paces and jumped the queue, much to the chagrin of the Grannies with their grandkids who were at the front. It didn't stop them though!

Whilst on my wait at Sleaford on the way home today I noticed that the station had its own little garden and took some photos of some of the plants including this large Allium. Is this garlic? It didn't have any kind of scent but I'm sure I read somewhere that this is garlic! Or at least part of the same family!

Tomorrow we will be going off to Newcastle for Magic Weekend! There were many times over the past few weeks when I did not think it would happen and we'd have to cancel due to my Dad's health, but he is safe in the hospital and it's not practical or affordable for me to visit more than a couple of times a week so there's no reason why we shouldn't go really. I'm so happy that we can - I am beyond ready for the break!

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