From Now On...

By rachelwhynot


… down the river.

First thing this morning we went to Woodside Park by train, for the first time in years. Lots of local changes and new developments. It was good to see M and our two eldest grandchildren. We can still manage a good game of badminton and table tennis with them. O is managing his GCSEs well and left his studies to join us.

Back to London Bridge and Guy’s Hospital for an appointment. What a view from 25th floor, made even better when the sun came out. My extra. An amazing hospital too, and I thought of a fellow blipper friend who pays frequent visits and shares his findings from around the area.

We then headed for Borough Market for a browse ( amazing!) and then the river, a must for me. We waited some while before we could get on a boat. An incident on the railway had caused big delays and the river was good alternative transport. Well worth it though and the views through our front seat window were wonderful. Back on the DLR from Greenwich to Lewisham, then the mainline to Hayes and home.

We’ve fitted a fair bit into the day!

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