Up the garden path

I don’t know what caused me to feel so poorly yesterday, but after I’d had an hour’s nap in the afternoon I felt well enough to come downstairs for a bit in the evening and join in a few games of Yahtzee with everyone, which was fun. Whatever minor virus I had certainly led me up the garden path yesterday!

I’m pleased to report that, after a good night’s sleep, my energy levels were nearly back to normal today and, between us, Smithers and I have put the house back to rights. We are now going to take it easy this evening because we’re both a bit whacked – he because he worked so hard while I was poorly, and me because I’m not quite back to 100% fitness yet.

I have several of these ‘Pretty Lady’ rose bushes in my garden because I love them so much, but this one is definitely my favourite. It always looks at its best when the first flush of blooms appear, so I simply had to go out and take a photo of it to blip this evening when the sun was at the right angle because the light was too harsh earlier on. The sofa is now beckoning me ...

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