Hap-bee day

Pleased to see a bee on centaurea in the garden this afternoon.
Just before this, I’d come home to hear a frantic buzzing in the living room.. A tiny bumblebee was caught up in a bit of cobweb at the top of a window behind the net curtains ( can you tell I’m not houseproud ? ). A spider was nearby, but I managed to flick it out of the window and pull the bee, wrapped in cobweb, onto a large envelope.
I took it outside and Mr. Beewatcher fetched a cocktail stick so that I could disentangle it. All the time it was buzzing, and waving its little legs at me . The buzzing was louder and shriller than usual, so much so that it seemed to tender-hearted me as though it was screaming.
Cobwebs are tacky and bees are tiny, so tiny that I worried I’d accidentally pull a leg off, but gradually I managed to free it enough for it to fly away.
I was really pleased, but if I mentioned it in the facebook bee group I’d have been told off for doing the spider out of its dinner :-)

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