Red Rose

Bit late, for me, this morning in posting.
Bin stuff and recycling to get out.
Had messages to do, appointments to make...

Now I am collapsed on my bed with a cuppa.

I am not moving for a couple hours.

But I will have to move then because I have some 1/4 price mince to make stuff with, so that will be my afternoon job! So that is my day sorted, this hot summer day...

No eggs for love or money in England yesterday, but this morning went to Polish shop and there was a long white Polish wagon, with more eggs than you can shake a big stick at....

Fox & Badger & Cats
Fox leaps on Swing to get Cat Biscuits

Creative using painting in Procreate and a couple of apps, red roses from my front garden...

Time for a nap...Cat is napping on my lap. I might have traumatised him. I have reduced the number of feeding stations. There were never meant to be this many in the bungalow in the first place. It was supposed to be just in the kitchen before Xmas, but his Lordship fell ill and I put an additional feeding station by my bedroom door. I didn't think he was going to pull through at the time. Anyway that feeding station stayed by my bedroom door. So to try and deter the mysterious kitchen thief, all kitchen food went to an outside covered feeding station which I worked on yesterday. I was knackered, but I wanted to do that anyway. And I have plans to make a winter shelter for any beastie in that passage as well.

So, there is no food in the kitchen for any wild or stray beasties now. And the kitchen door to the bungalow is firmly shut, to deter any wanderers to my bedroom. But then then leaves the problem of Midnight wanting to do his business in the night. I don't want to get involved in cat trays. Midnight always puts himself to be on the front couch around 6 pm at the moment. Last night I was in bed for 7pm. I was drop dead exhausted. I just had to hope Midnight would wake me up if he needed to toilet, because in effect he was locked in. I am fast asleep and I am woken up by a cat patting my face with his paw. So, I got up put him in the kitchen so he could get out the cat flap, shut the door on him so he would not be able to get back into the living room and neither would any other beastie. There are some luxurious throws on a chair in the kitchen for him to sleep on.

The couch in the living room is where my daughter will need to sleep when she comes, and he may not take kindly to that because he wants his own way. So, I need him to learn to sleep in the kitchen during the night, just for the moment. There was only a couple of hours left before dawn. So, this is breaking him in gently to get used to this idea (!?!).

But when I returned to the kitchen a few hours later, the cat water bowl was spilt all over the floor, as if two animals were in a scuffle. So did the mysterious beast come in? I was so tired last night, I forgot to put the SD card in the camera in the kitchen.

Ultimately, the goal is to block that cat flap at night...hopefully his lordship can be trained/learn to toilet in the day. But, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry..

Have your best day...

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