My new digs!

What a long day yesterday was!   Left home around 8.30 am, bus to Halifax (about 5 hours) flight wasn't leaving until 6pm so i had a few hours there which was fine.  then my flight to Calgary was delayed by 35 minutes and this caused me quite a bit of stress cos my connecting flight to Vancouver only left me about 50 minutes to reach that gate...but with this delay i had less than 20 minutes!!!   Ever since my back surgery and getting older....i don't run or move as fast as i used i was so worried about having to get myself to the next gate in time - and it was looking like it was quite a hike as they often are!   The suggestion was to have a wheel chair with an assistant meet me off the first plane! So that's what about mixed feelings!!!  Anyway this lovely woman drove me thro the airport at a good clip and i was ushered right onto the plane - priority seating!!!   Hahahahahaha...i laughed so hard, and i couldn't help but think how crazy i must look!   I'm thinking of pulling that stint from now on - it was so stress free finding the connecting gate :)

And now today i've had a very laid back and easy going day while Morgan worked from home.   So so wonderful to have a short visit with little Owen this morning...he was a bit shy, but no wonder right!!!  

This little trailer will be my bedroom for the week i'm here, there will be a large gang staying here as off tomorrow so i'm glad of a place to find some quiet!

All is wonderful in my daughter is close by :)

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