campervan man

By campervan

Lupins on a cool and overcast day

Shortly after the start of the Covid epidemic I found a lump in my abdomen.
If you recall going to the doctors or a hospital at that time was a guarantee of catching this new and deadly bug. So because of this ,and of course because I am a man, I did nothing except ignore it.
By the middle of last summer it had grown and travelled down my body and  so, very belatedly, I went to the doctors. A quick examination established I had a hernia, the follow up trip to the hospital confirmed it was a well developed Inguinal hernia and I was put on the list for an operation. In the mean time I was to “take it easy, avoiding heavy work”.
This last instruction made doing things in the garden rather difficult so it was ignored a little bit at times.
Anyway last Tuesday I got a phone call asking me to go in for the operation on Saturday. I was told lots of details about it but the one I really remembered is that I would be out of action for between six and eight weeks afterwards.  The end of May is not a good time to leave the garden so for three days I totally ignored the instruction about taking it easy and dug, and planted and moved pots and cut grass and generally did as much as I could.
Arrived at the hospital at 7.30am Saturday and was told the good news that there was only five people being done that day. The bad news was I was number five on the list. Because I was done so late I ended up staying in for the night. Even at my great age I had never been in hospital overnight but it was fine , everyone was so nice and kind but when the doctor said I could go home the next day I was dressed in double quick time, well as quick as I could allowing for the stitches.
I have been home for three days now, a bit sore but no other problem apart from being BORED, VERY VERY BORED. That might explain why this is such a long blip message. Three days gone, possibly 56 to go, role on mid July.
I think that the garden will feature in a lot of blip photos in the near future, the write ups might involve how many cups of tea I have drunk or various ways of making and eating cheese and pickle sandwiches. I will be sharing my boredom

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