A change of plan

I’m beginning to run out of steam, as I seem to spend my day running up and down the stairs, so today B brought me a coffee in bed. I then stayed upstairs until I’d done everything required. Then I came down to make breakfast and do the chores.

We spent time working on the garage. The random collection of cupboards and units are now in place along the left side and the back. We got half a dozen more boxes emptied and identified that there are others that have contents that should be in the house.

It feels like mission impossible, as we are moving the contents of a double garage and my potting shed into a single garage.

We were expecting a bloke to visit about the internet supply this afternoon. I rang about 4pm to find out where he was and was told that it will be tomorrow afternoon :0(

In order not to have wasted all afternoon I took umbrage with the boxes in my sewing room. With B’s help the packing boxes were moved onto the landing and my plastic storage boxes moved to their new position in the room. Much better, but I still have too much stuff.

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