Lovely Lance

Today was all about Nate's long awaited appointment with this sort after Dutch doctor. She didn't disappoint, although Nate was clearly nervous and stressed, she was super kind and calm. She listened and explained things well...and was just all round fantastic. She immediately agreed virus after virus was just not what's happening in Nate's body. Interestingly she said she thought intolerance immediately because of his skin tone! She did these crazy amazing tests that came back straight away as milk intolerance and to a lesser degree but still very much there, a wheat intolerance. So we'll cut out both for the next few weeks and see how he gets on. We've also got grape seed oil to give him each morning to help his gut recover and heal.
We dropped him back to school for the last little bit of time and had an awkward amount of time pre pick up. My cousin Lozz messaged to say he'd landed in Ibiza (he's a pilot) and was leaving again shortly! So we drove to this viewpoint of the airport to wave and jump and shout that we loved him at the sky, ha! So close but so far!! Blip is Danny filming Lance leaving, complete with a running commentary.
Wednesdays are cheap ticket days at the cinema here, so after Nate's stressed morning (he hated the tests) we took him and Asha for a treat. The boys went to watch Super Mario and us girls watched The Little Mermaid. I absolutely looooved it. Looking forward to when I can see it in English. The classic songs just aren't the same in Spanish!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This initial diagnosis and Marja's incredible kindness and understanding of both bodies and people. 
2) Susanna getting to Barcelona safely. Her ferry left first thing this morning. 
3) Finding some lactose alternatives I think Nate will like in Aldi. 

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