
F.M.i.L's dementia means that she doesn't remember much about recent history, and she remembers family members that have been dead for decades and believes them to still be alive. It's very sad at times, what do you say when she asks if Peter, her late husband, is waiting in the church car park, or when I'm taking her to her day care, twice a week, if Peter knows where it is.
My fantastic Father in Law died 14 February 2004, over 19 years ago, and it is one of the graves I look after along with the one behind which is one of their daughters who died in 1969 in a car accident.
As we didn't have any children this morning I left a bit earlier than normal to go to the day care and swung by the cemetery to show her the graves.
We used to go regularly when she wasn't so bad but when I ask if she wants to go she has not recollection of where they are, or who's in them.
Even parking so close I had to point them out and tell her whose graves they were.
the front grave, with the RAF crest, is Ziggy's, my father in law Peter Hendrikus Zegveld, he is in the Extra photos.

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