
By Matt6000

A wee visitor in the kitchen and as usual I got the camera out. Actually used three lenses but this is on the macro. Indoors it didn't look special even when lit a wee bit with flash and using mini tripod. Without photo stacking (which I don't have the software for) it was as good as I was getting. 

It would be very rude not to release my models and as I placed it on a tree in the sunlight, I realised just how colourful it was. When I saw it was hanging about, I grabbed a quick handheld shot then went in for my monopod but needless to say it was gone when I got back. Still quite pleased with that, particularly handheld with no stabilisation.

My book seems to suggest it is a Damselfly possibly 'pyrrhosoma nymphula' or Large Red Damselfly.

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