Strutting its stuff at Muffin Break

An early wash because we were expecting workmen from Farthing's to come and fix things in the bathroom. They arrived a 8.30 am.

Ryan came too to check connections to the thermal roof panel which has given us hot water throughout the summer in the past. It stopped working in 2018 and I hadn't got round to finding someone who could mend it. The extremely good news is that the whole circuit needs a service but he did discover that the thermostat had fallen out of its socket. The heating process is initiated when the temperature measured by the thermostat is 5 degrees C lower than the roof temperature. I'm glad he discovered that.

Meanwhile, Jason and Harry reset the sink in the small shower room into the wooden base and replaced the door to the shower. It's looking smart now and I hope it lasts rather longer than the previous one. The douche tap has been fixed into the wall of the main bathroom and I think the plugs have been replaced in both bathrooms. They had an annoying habit of getting stuck.

To the nurse to have my dressing changed early afternoon and afterward to Loughborough to collect an item from M&S and to take coffee and gf muffin outside Muffin Break. It was cold. So we wore coats, even Basil.

This dove, or is it simply a white pigeon, was wandering around the tables with a companion scavenging for crumbs.

Almost a calamity at lunch time when I discovered that I had lost (or so I thought) the master password for my LastPass vault. Thank God for Google which had archived my Keep notes from my phone.

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