What have we done today..........................

Ann would like to report to all you Blippers that she's been really productive today. Her plan was to be really productive today. Lol! She hasn't been really productive. All this sun is exhausting her, but she absolutely loves it. Apparently enjoying oneself in the sun takes preference over everything because it's not going to last forever?!

Got up at about 6.30am because the sun was shining brightly and we don't like to miss a minute of this gorgeous weather. Trekked around all the beaches to see which one was best for my human to have a swim on. None of them..................... Grrr............ It was really sunny but it was a bit windy and the waves were very choppy.

On the walk home Ann said, 'Trixie, after we've had our breakfast, instead of going swimming, we will just sit on our very sunny, sheltered sun terrace. You can have snooze time and I will continue pretending I'm Shirley Valentine writing my book.

For those of you who don't read our Blips regularly, my human is writing a book. It's a diary type book and today she read back on her first entry and was actually quite impressed with what she'd written. Lol!

Moving swifty on....................... After breakfast it was mega hot on our very sunny sun terrace and Ann was really tired. She said, 'Trixie, it's too hot for me. My nose is peeling and I'm tired. I'm going to lie on my bed for a little while.' So that is what she did. And I joined her. Yay!

Then we had to walk to Carbis Bay (about 40 mins) to pick up the car that we had left after Ann had drunk copious quantities of Prosecco a Pizza Party last night.

On the drive home, Ann looked down at Porthminster Beach, which was looking absolutely idyllic in the sunshine, and she said, 'Trixie, I'm going for a swim when we get home. You can have some more snooze time.' So that is what we did. I snoozed. Ann swam.

To be honest, her swim today was more of a 'bob about' than a swim. The waves, although not crashing over her head, were not conducive to actually swimming. But she was still in the sea for more than half an hour. She just loves floating around on her back and looking at the town from a different perspective.

When she came home, she had left over pizza for lunch. It smelt very yummy, but she didn't share. Boohoo. 

Then we both basked in the sunshine on our very sunny sun terrace. It was very, very hot but I always lie in the shady bits because I am a very sensible little Collie pup who does not want to get sun stroke.

After that I went for a play in the field for 15 mins for toileting purposes but Ann didn't allow me to take my ball, because it was too hot, and she didn't want me to overheat, so I just played at rolling around on my back.

Then I stayed 'home alone' while Ann did an extra shift at the 'Harbour Pool Club'. She came home just after 8pm but tbh, I'm still in snooze mode.

I'll be going out for my bedtime wee soon. .........As for Ann.................... she's had two glasses of wine, and is just about to see if the yummy risotto, that she made a couple of weeks ago and froze, is actually as yummy now as it was then??!!

OK, so my human hasn't actually achieved very much today, but there's never a dull moment in the 'Trixie, the Collie pup' household!!!

....................And the sun just shines on and on................

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