Turtles and Duck

We had a leisurely start this morning before going off to meet our lawyer (still trying to finalise the flat purchase). Turns out her legal assistant is from Moffat, so we’re planning to meet up with him and his wife next time we’re in Valencia.
Off to Castellon in the afternoon, where we met son no 3 after he’d finished teaching. We all had lunch together and then helped him with his packing. Afterwards we went for a stroll around this park opposite his flat. It’s his last day tomorrow and then he’s travelling to Barcelona and the north of Spain before heading back to Scotland mid June. He’s hoping to come back to Spain in September as he’s applied for Masters courses. In the meantime we’re taking home his case. Last full day for us as flying back tomorrow evening. Balmy night so we went for a stroll around the barrio. Can’t face more packing so will get up early tomorrow. At least that’s the plan!

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