Kelso Ladies day

Showered and dressed on our finery by 10 for a light breakfast of bagels, smoked salmon and cream cheese with a cheeky wee glass of Prosecco with the gang who were all heading to Kelso. There were 11 of us and Jenny and her husband had hired a minibus to transport us there and back.

We’d got through the gates, settled in an outside table when I decided to go and pick up a race card. On the way back I managed to trip over some uneven ground and fall over, grazing one knee and twisting my ankle. Many hands appeared from beside me to help me up and I hobbled back to our table. Some lovely first aiders gave me an ice pack which helped but suggested I should go for an x-ray. Well I didn’t!
I was wearing sandals which I normally only wear during the evening and obviously didn’t have the balance to wear during the day.

We had an enjoyable day eating delicious food, trying to make sense if the betting odds and watching the races. I wasn’t very lucky but as I had only get very small amounts I was quite happy with my one winner.

Kenny collected us at 6 and we headed back to their house for cheese and biscuits. My foot wasn’t as sore as earlier (perhaps the Prosecco helped) and I managed to hobble about with my sandals on my feet.

A lovely couple of hours sitting in the garden chatting and eating cheese before it hit too chilly. By 10 I was done so headed off to bed.

Backblipped Tuesday

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