I decided I would try and do something for Tiny Tuesday, and was quite safe as there is no set theme for today.  I cut my apple crossways, rather than from the top to the bottom, so that you can see the whole centre with the little pips/seeds and decided this would fit the bill for me today.  Of course, I then had a little fartnarkle with my Carbon App and here is the finished result.

It’s a beautiful sunny day today with a light breeze, so everything is out on the line drying well, including towels - although I’m not really a fan of air-dried towels and much prefer them to be soft and fluffy rather than hard - but I comfort myself with the fact that I have saved some money by drying them on the line.

A few facts about apples:

• An apple is both delicious and nutritious. 
• Green apples beat the red apple slightly in fibre content and also have less sugar and carbohydrates. 
• Apples are part of the rose family, just like pears and plums.
• There are more than 8,000 varieties of apples – the largest variety of fruit to exist.
• Life expectancy for an apple tree is about 100 years.
• China is by far the largest apple producer.
• The Apple is popularly known as the supposed forbidden fruit of Eden, although this is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible!
• A medium sized apple contains 80 calories.
• Pomology is the science of apple-growing
• Most apples in the world are still picked by hand.
• It takes about 36 apples to make one gallon of apple cider.
• Two pounds of apples make one 9-inch pie.
• Apple juice was one of the earliest prescribed antidepressants.

I found this wonderful phobia, which fits in well with my shot for today.

The fear of all apples, which gets its name from the scientific name of apples, which is “Malus domestica” in the Rose family (Rosaceae) and can also be used when describing the fear of eating apples.

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