
And it continues to be warm and sunny. Good that our old house with thick walls keeps a constant temperature  of 17 degrees. Nice and cool indoors for Fletch. 

A walk through AH woods in the morning and in the shade quite cool. 

Back home to finally finish sewing up the cardigan for M.. which wont need to be worn for a while! I then sat and read untill the kindle said it needed its battery recharging. The disadvantage of not having a 'real' book. 
Since Covid I have loaned books from the County library via the website, downloading onto my tablet for a set time. We had a lovely library literally round the corner from us but some ( insert your own expletive  here) boys set it alight.  
Such a great shame as it was a proper little community centre too. 
At least they have caught the culprits  but whether there is money to refurbish the place is debatable.  

Blip is of the 'daisies' growing along our wall. Egiron to be precise The little clumps appeared a few years ago.. and gradually worked their way along the whole wall and I see clumps appearing along the neighbours walls , so far along 5 houses.  They haven't been pulled out so I hope they are liked as  much as I like them

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