Time Fragments

By timefragments

The Big Picture

There's no way I'm going out there today!

For those who wanted to see Mundy's sunpainting in our bedroom, which I blipped a teeny bit of on 26 May, this is it. It is quite large - 225cm x 160cm (that's about 88" x 63" in localspeak - I think). Like I said before, I love the colours he uses and never tire of looking at it.

For those who wanted to know what sunpainting is: you stretch your fabric on the ground - good if it's a disused swimming pool, like the one this was painted in. Then throw on your watery colours - Pollockian method works well. While it is wet, stick on your shapes (Mundy used old x-ray films) and wait for the sun to dry it. Simple, anybody can do it. But you need strong sunlight and space, both of which have been in short supply since coming back to England. Oh, and you need the right type of textile pigments.

For those who wanted to know what FIST means: F*** it's still Thursday. (hope this doesn't offend)

Happy Saturday. For us, Saturday is sitterday...we do a lot of sitting around and reading.

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