Tattered Beauty

Even a tatty old cobweb looks beautiful when it's frosted.

When I was taking this I had it lined up so that the whole background was dark and I couldn't work out why I was getting that cloudy blur to the left. Took me 4 photos exactly the same before I realised it was my breath.

Yup, it was pretty cold here this morning!

Actually it was pretty cold here all day. We had a meeting after work on inclusiveness of Maori in our schools. After the meeting I was standing outside with A discussing correct pronunciation of some Maori words - we'd been standing talking about it for about 15 minutes before we agreed that actually it was too darned cold to be standing there talking - and me without a jacket on. By the time I walked home it was 2 deg C outside my house and 7 deg C in my living room. Obviously the first job was to light the fire.

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