Looking blue

A steady and pretty quite day at wok most customers in early on . Once it was time to close  I got locked up and went to get in my car. 
Panic time my Key to the car wouldn't open the central locking I then noticed the rubber you press was missing , a quick check of my pocket found it had dropped out as it was well worn. A quick temporary fix with some Sellotape to hold it in place allowed me to open up the car. A new key case will be needed so will try sort that out tomorrow .

Back home for some food then I decided to take a drive out to Fiskerton fen and enjoy the lovely sunshine and search out a blip .
A few bits of wildlife around dragon & Damsel flies , I then spotted a couple of lovely blue butterflies but they wouldn't settle 1 finally did so managed this shot of it a lovely Common Blue .

Back home for a relaxed evening of general TV viewing 

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