
By Eldora19

Lots of emotions

An emotional day all round. Beautiful sunshine here on Mull which we enjoyed. We took Jess to her new home and spent a few hours introducing her to her new owner and talking things through. Her new owner is an older lady who lives on her own and will thoroughly enjoy Jess’ company. Jess will be in good hands and get plenty of exercise and one to one attention. I was very sad to say goodbye to Jess and will miss her terribly, I’m so sad that we couldn’t make it work in Gloucester but ultimately this is the best solution for Jess who is now back in a familiar rural environment. I’m happy that her final years will be spent being doted on by someone who really needs her company and I will plan to visit when I can.

The rest of the day was equally as emotional. We arranged with our estate successors to go up for a visit, K had a houseful of visitors (my friends and their kids) so told me to expect chaos. Cannon and I went up to our old house and garden and I was overcome with emotion and balled my eyes out. Seeing my friends unexpectedly and seeing my old house and garden being lived in by someone else really knocked me for 6 and I couldn’t stop sobbing. It was so strange to see the house with someone else’s things in it but I felt happy seeing how much they are loving their new life. It was quite a shock to see how differently the gardens are being managed now, Cannon and G have very very different extremes of work style. In a way it was difficult seeing what’s become of Cannon’s hard work but we’ve both let go of the estate and we’re very happy with our new life. It was just quite a surprise.

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