
A rare sighting of a spotted sandpiper. I didn't want to move for fear of scaring him off, but I rather like the obscured view anyway. The out of focus stalks add interest to the frame and they create a mood which seems to suit this timid bird.

I feel we've slipped into early summer as the temperature scales tip into the 80's, no rain in over a week and none on the horizon. I took a lot of pictures today including quite a few frogs.

I've realised I have been using keywords in LR (which fill in the tags box on blip) to catalogue my images by subject, location, weather, light, etc., but not by content or ideas. By content I don't mean describing physical things, rather what the image is about, in this case the subject is obscured, veiled, partially hidden. Perhaps if I do that I might discover themes and projects I can work on. Food for thought.

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