
Whilst the others went swimming this morning I walked along the beach from town to visit this old shipwreck. It was originally a steam trawler called Sheraton but requisitioned by the Royal Navy and used in both world wars. After WWII it was anchored in the wash and used by the navy for target practice. In 1947 it slipped its moorings and ended up on the beach at Hunstanton, where it remains to this day. Perfect for derelict Sunday…thanks to Marlieske for hosting.

On my way back through town I stopped to watch a large amphibious vessel (The Wash Monster - see extra) drive into the sea. I had to laugh at the announcer as they departed “Officially we are classed as a North Sea Ferry, so we are obliged to give a safety briefing……”.

Annoyingly, the change of routine for our holiday meant I completely forgot to do Wordle on Sunday and so my current (and maximum) streak of 134 wins has ended and I have dropped back to 1… ho hum!

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