Door Card Fail.

All I did was close the drivers door and a number of things happened this morning when I got in Mutt.

1. The speaker that I put in yesterday fell out as the door slammed shut.

Properly dropped out into my footwell. Apparently 2 screws securing it to the carpet in the door card were not sufficient. A speaker hanging out poses a small and not insignificant problem, mainly volume.

You see, these speakers are so utterly lame and appalling, that you can only get volume out of them when they are in the door itself and use the inside of the door space for resonance. Otherwise you have this dopey little speaker that sounds like an asthmatic tiny cricket with laryngitis.

2. The door pull on the card kinda broke off my hand, which poses the question - how on earth did I still have enough speed to bump the speaker out of it's hole and into the footwell?

The second problem is how do I close a door with no door pull.

Wind down the electric windows! When they want to work.

Strangely enough, after a few moments of cussing the window motor gasped into life and dropped the window enough for me to slam it and watch the door card just fall off in it's entirety. Never fear though, I have a plan. Maybe.

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