A pleasant day.  Visited Mum as usual and my Brother and his partner came round for a chat, so that was lovely.

Then after lunch and coffee we headed home along Morecambe Prom.  There were only a few places to park but that top end of the Prom wasn;t too heaving unusually. 

So we didn't stop.  Instead we turned off at Carnside and went to Silverdale and Arnside.  Now I had intended to stop at Silverdale Cove but there were quite a lot of people down there and the parking was already pretty bad along the side of the road so we decided not to add to it  Of course I was forgetting it was a half-term Sunday and Bank Holiday Weekend.  So we drove on, had a bit of a problem on the narrow roads with tourists who really don't know how to drive in those conditions, but patience was OK and we all got thorugh no problems.  I stopped off in the layby to take this photo of Arnside Tower.  I have blipped it before, as have a few other local Blippers, but it aleays looks magnificent.  In extras is a collage, one of another shot of the tower and the other is if you turn to the left that is the countryside you see from that layby with Ingleborough (second highest mountain in Yorkshire) in the distance.

Silverdale was of course very busy too so we just drove through and Arnside was extremely busy (for Arnside) and nowhere to park so we didn't stop there either.  Mind you it was nice seeing so many people out enjoying the area and the sunshine,.  

We did stop at Sandside however, loads of parking along the side of the road where I took the other photos in extras.  Now it's probably just me but when I see families out in the middle of the sands like that it makes me go cold.  I'm not sure if there are quick sands this far into The Bay but as The Bay and its estuaries are constantly changing I wouldn't risk it.  I even saw a wee boy jumping up and down on top of spongy sand at the the water.  I just hope they were local people that knew more about it than me.  Anyway all were OK as I saw them come back so could breathe easy again.  I'm probablly just way too cautious to be fair.

That's all from me for today, do take care and stay safe and \i will see you all tomorrow.

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