From Day to Day....

By GuernseyGirl

Day 7

Unfortunately today Colin and I are a bit under the weather. We are not feeling too ill but our stomachs seem to have been aggravated by something we both ate yesterday. Our hosts are out till late this evening at a baptism and a birthday party so told us to just relax and enjoy their home! The first photo is Paul and Thérése all dressed up to go out. They are lovely. We popped to the supermarket 10mins away and got some food for the day and have sat in their beautiful conservatory reading and dozing. We had a walk around the garden to see their rooster and hens along with their sheep. They also keep bees! They have a great vegetable patch too! Busy couple as she also teaches cookery. Paul last month however had 5 stents put in his heart. He took ill at home and was airlifted by helicopter from here to hospital. He’s doing well but very tired. Not a waste of a day as we have totally relaxed again and nothing to do. Hoping tomorrow we feel better!

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