Big Church Day Out

Day out today. Bean went swimming this morning and did another half hour of pretty much just swimming back and forth across the pool, oh and diving too!! I still can't believe he willingly does diving for the dive sticks. He picked up two at once today - the boy who point blank refused six months ago is now the happy diver of the group!

After swimming we packed a picnic and headed out to Wiston for the Big Church Day Out. It was sunny but it was cool, and every time a cloud came over it was Cold. The music was loud, there were some good bands playing (including Gungor who we have finally discovered and like quite a lot!), the boys enjoyed themselves running loops around our picnic rug, laughing and wrestling with each other, and eventually around half past eight after watching the sun set over the park we called it a day and headed home. The boys fell asleep in the car so we left Bear in his carseat in the living room and got Bean into bed quickly. Bear didn't wake up til gone eleven but he was glad to go to bed as well!

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